These programs are offered at no charge on behalf of Area Agencies on Aging, senior communities, and organizations serving special needs groups. Participants can “Converse with a Nurse” and discuss their healthcare needs at regularly scheduled blood pressure and blood glucose screenings. Also offered are upbeat wellness programs on topics of interest to residents, such as preventing infections, controlling diabetes, aging and memory loss. In addition, we offer flu shot programs, medication reviews, and safety screenings.
Examples of Wellness Programs
Fall Prevention: Falls are the most common form of nonfatal injuries in the senior population, resulting in hip and other fractures and head injuries. These falls are preventable. This program teaches important tips that can reduce the risk of falls and fear of falling and also increase activity levels among older adults.
Controlling your Diabetes: Learn the difference between Type I and Type II diabetes; learn to take charge of your diabetes and prevent many of the potentially serious complications.
Senior Moment or Something Else?: We have all had moments of forgetfulness. Learn when to take these symptoms seriously and see the doctor, what the causes of cognitive changes might be and what current research is discovering