What Is Camp TMT?
Camp TMT is a safe place for children to learn to cope with their own grief and to know that many other children are coping with the loss of loved ones. Staff and trained volunteers provide planned activities to help children grieve and express themselves in a safe and healthy manner. Campers will participate in fun activities like rock climbing wall, swimming, arts and crafts. Meals and snacks are provided daily, and a Memorial Service to include family members will be held on the final day of camp.
See Camps from previous years here.
Camp TMT 2024
Save the date! We are again hosting the Camp TMT: Treasuring Memories Together Children’s Grief camp, Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd, 2024 from 9am-4pm at Covenant Hills Camp in Otisville, Michigan.
Sign Up or Volunteer
Interested in participating or volunteering? Please complete the forms below: