THE MEDICAL TEAM is an equal opportunity employer. We make every effort to provide a work environment that attracts exceptional individuals, fosters a strong sense of purpose and teamwork, and actively supports the individual’s professional development and personal growth. We expect to provide you with a unique and meaningful career, one that grows as you grow. We provide a positive work environment that you will look forward to each day. We hope to support your professional goals, and your personal ones too. We want to facilitate your success by providing you with the tools you need. In short, we want to be the best place you have ever worked.
We offer our employees great benefits! Benefits packages may include:
Staff Testimonials
The Medical Team is a great company to work for. I highly recommend applying. When you are hired in, they go above and beyond to train you properly and will make sure that you feel comfortable before working on your own. A good company to work for if you’re serious about working. Don’t just think that you can miss work whenever you want. This is coming from an employee of almost 5 years, so glad that I found my way to this job.
I’m loving the freedom and self motivation of home health again. I feel really supported and have been given the tools I need to help my career and company grow. Amazing group of coworkers here in Austin, Texas!
Proud to work with a dedicated team of professionals bringing exceptional hospice care to patients wherever they call home. The flexibility of The Medical Team Hospice division administration, and the belief that employee’s families are important help to promote a great family/work balance. Every member of the team, whatever their role in the Flint office may be, is valued.
I absolutely love working for The Medical Team Hospice. Everyone is very hard working, understanding, reliable, and truly cares about the patient and family’s needs.