This comprehensive in-home care and teaching program is for patients needing help managing acute and chronic conditions such as coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction and angina, and for those needing help managing risk factors for heart conditions and strokes. The program’s educational approach progressively increases the patient’s understanding of heart disease and blood vessel conditions. Patients also learn about the medications, diet and lifestyle modifications that help to control their heart disease and blood vessel conditions.

Program Components

  • Health status and educational needs assessment
  • Development of an individualized care plan with specific educational goals
  • Skilled care as ordered by a physician and based on established protocols
  • Educational, easy-to-read “Heart Smart” patient manual
  • Emphasis on diet and its role in controlling cholesterol
  • Involvement of the patient’s family members in the learning process
  • Coordination and communication with the patient’s physician and other health care providers
  • Outcomes reporting on key disease-specific indicators and patient satisfaction

Program Staff

Nurses who care for our cardiac patients are specially trained in heart disease and cardiovascular conditions, and are regularly updated on new treatment and monitoring techniques. Home health aides also receive training in the special needs of patients with cardiac conditions, with an emphasis on recommended diet and nutrition.

Additional Resources

American Heart Association
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Heart Disease
WebMD – Heart Disease Health Center