TMT-Tips to Prepare Your Home After Hip Replacement Surgery

Preparing your home for your return after hip replacement surgery is crucial for ensuring a safe and comfortable recovery process. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare:

Clear, Well Lit Pathways:

Ensure that all pathways from the entrance to your bedroom, bathroom, and any other frequently used areas are clear of obstacles such as rugs, cords, or furniture. You may want to rearrange furniture temporarily to create wider pathways, especially if you’re using mobility aids like crutches or a walker.

Note: Keep pets locked up in separate rooms or kennels to prevent tripping on them during ambulation; Consider installing night lights in hallways and bathrooms to prevent falls during nighttime trips.

Create a Comfortable Resting Area:

Set up a comfortable sleeping area on the ground floor of your home if possible, as stairs may be difficult to navigate initially. Use a firm mattress with extra pillows for support, and keep essential items like medications, water, and tissues within reach.

Note: Ensure your cell phone or a means of communicating to your caregiver is within reach.

Bathroom Accessibility:

If not completed before surgery (which we recommend), get assistance to install grab bars in the shower and near the toilet to provide support when moving around. Consider using a shower chair or bench to sit on while showering. Place non-slip mats on the floor to prevent falls, and keep toiletries within easy reach.

Assistive Devices:

If you’ll be using mobility aids such as crutches, a walker, or a cane, make sure they’re easily accessible near your resting area. Practice using them before your surgery to become comfortable with their operation.

Kitchen Accessibility:

Organize your kitchen so that frequently used items are within arm’s reach. Store heavy items at waist level to avoid bending or reaching overhead. Consider preparing meals in advance and freezing them for easy access during your recovery.

Note: Consider a meal or grocery delivery service during your recovery.

Medication and Supplies:

Stock up on any medications prescribed by your doctor before your surgery, and keep them easily accessible. Have supplies such as bandages, ice packs, and wound dressings on hand for post-surgery care.

Communication and Emergency Contacts:

Keep a list of important phone numbers, including your surgeon’s office, emergency contacts, and healthcare providers, in an easily accessible location and/or programmed into your cell phone.

Support System:

Arrange for someone to help you with daily tasks such as grocery shopping, meal preparation, and household chores during the initial weeks of your recovery. Having a support system in place can greatly ease the transition back home.

Follow-up Appointments:

Schedule any necessary follow-up appointments with your surgeon or physical therapist before your surgery to ensure continuity of care.

Emergency Plan:

Discuss an emergency plan with your caregiver or family member in case of any complications or unexpected events during your recovery. This could include sharing your preferences on various care options and intervention, making sure legal documents are accessible and up to date, considering living and household needs post-operation, discussing expenses, and more to make sure your needs and various outcomes are considered.

Stay Positive:

Finally, maintain a positive attitude and be patient with yourself during the recovery process. Consider joining a support group for pre/post-op recovery patients for additional emotional and mental support. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed.

By taking these steps to prepare your home for your return after hip surgery, you can help ensure a smoother and more comfortable recovery process.

Interested in Personal Care Assistance at Home from THE MEDICAL TEAM?

Contact us! Our team ranges from skilled nurses and therapists to person caregivers and private duty services that can help get you the care you need where it matters most: at home. For our Michigan area clients, we also offer Catastrophic Care services.