When a patient is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, it’s the beginning of a number of life changes to come, and can leave the person feeling uncertain as to how to move forward and meet the challenges ahead. Maintaining a sense of control is important, and can be accomplished by putting together a plan of action to address current and future needs

THE MEDICAL TEAM suggests beginning with these four steps:

Choose the best medical professional. It’s important to ensure the doctor who will be treating the disease is highly qualified, fully trusted, and easy to communicate with. It’s perfectly acceptable to get a second opinion and/or to shop around to find the best fit.

Team up with others. Those with Parkinson’s need a strong network of support. Following the initial diagnosis, it’s a good idea to begin to pull together family, friends, and neighbors who are willing to be there to listen and to provide assistance, such as transportation, meals, help around the house, etc. when needed. Finding a Parkinson’s support group, either in-person or online, is also incredibly helpful for many patients, who can share their experience with others in a similar situation.

Create an exercise and dietary plan. Maintaining optimal health begins with healthy eating and exercise habits. This is the ideal time to make positive lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, eating a balanced diet and incorporating exercise into the daily routine. Check with the doctor for recommendations.

Gain knowledge. Learning as much as possible about the disease, including medication options and any potential side effects, non-medical treatments that may be available, and what to expect throughout each stage of the disease is both crucial and empowering.

THE MEDICAL TEAM is on hand to assist those with Parkinson’s disease in a variety of ways to live life to the fullest. From planning and preparing delicious, nutritious meals, to providing accompaniment to doctors’ appointments and procedures, to help around the home and simply the friendly companionship of someone who cares, our services are customized to meet each person’s individual needs. We’re providing life-changing help throughout New Orleans, Detroit, Austin, Dallas, metro DC and the surrounding areas, and would love to help improve life for you or someone you know. Contact us for a free in-home consultation to learn more.